Washougal Washington Paralegal Divorce Documents Prepared
Washougal Paralegal Services: 360-471-5736
How Washougal, Washington got its name
I thought that Washougal came from the name Washington. However, it is a word that came possibly from Chinook Indians here in Washington State. Apparently, to the Chinook it means rushing water, river rocks, or something having to do with the rushing river over rocks. Interestingly, many of the cities in Washington State have local Indian words used to name them. In the case of Washougal and Camas, Minnehaha, they are Indian words that describe a river, plant, and a word from a poem.
Paralegal Services in Washougal, Washington
Documents prepared to start/file your divorce as well as finalize your divorce 90 days later. Our paralegal services can also prepare child support and parenting plan documents. Paralegal help to prepared family documents, divorce, child support, parenting plans, contempt, and other family law documents.
Attorney Services for Washougal, WA
Call: 425-231-1559 for a family law or probate attorney. Help with quit claims and tax affidavits for family law and probate law related needs. Have a Clark Paralegals featured Attorney prepare quit claims and excise tax affidavits near Washougal, WA.